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Story About Dr. Rupa Homeopathy Clinic

About Mehta Homeo Clinic

Mehta Homeo Clinic was established seven years back by Dr. Rupa Mehta who graduated out as B.H.M.S. from a prestigious Homeopathic Medical college in India. She began her practice as a young homeopathic physician and made use of the knowledge acquired during her academics. Her refined understanding of the concepts led her to gain reputation in society as she offered trusted cures and treatments to people suffering from diverse ailments. With growing popularity and demand for her med services, she started devoting more time towards serving the people with all dedication. Responding to the calls of patients who came from far off places, Mehta Homeo Clinic was diversified to two locations viz. Gurugram and Delhi.

Mehta Clinic – Emerging as a center of excellence

Over the years, Mehta Homeo Clinic has emerged as a brand of service excellence in the entire northern region and particularly the Delhi and NCR regions. Under the inspiring work of Dr. Rupa Mehta, the clinic substantiated well and developed frontal competencies towards the broader aim of knowledge acquisition so that people could be served in a better way. The credit for the expansion and worth of Mehta Homeo Clinic could be wholly attributed to Dr. Rupa who continued her pursuit for better service. Under her objective directions, the Clinic developed a dedicated infrastructure and a dynamic system to aggregate the patient cases for refined understanding and analyses. Today, the Clinic holds a vast repository of vital information regarding the medical cases attempted by it. This helps Dr. Mehta to avail this body of knowledge as a ready resource for reference purpose and thus she is able to offer swift cure and care. Such passion for knowledge aggregation and research has made Mehta Homeo Clinic a center of excellence in the past few years with more and more people turning up for effective cures. Mehta Homeo Clinic endeavors to maintain its service spirit and the zeal for knowledge in future so that more and better service could be offered.

Metha Homeo Clinic – offering the helping hand to poor

There is also a distinct philanthropic face of Mehta Homeo Clinic! Dr. Rupa Mehta offers free consultations and checkups to the needy and poor people from society every Sundays. From 10 am to 12 noon, she sits at Sant Nirankari Mission Bhawan, Sector 31, Gurugram and serves free of cost to hundreds of seekers. She also offers free medicines to those who cannot afford to pay.

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